To Be or Not to Be... Everyone has heard this quote at some time or I'm looking at it in a completely different light. Change and success, what is blocking me from going forward? What is one of the major resistance points? Yes, I want the change, yes I want to success going forward BUT.. then up comes up the immediate and inexhaustible list of excuses that are feasible and convincing. You no doubt have your own list the brain has stored up saved and flashes up when ever needed. Enter PROCRASTINATION in all its glory. Well whether its based in fear or stress which are both real and debilitating, procrastination robs me of my ability to get started or progress IF I LET IT. So how do I get past this ingrained brain response.. how do I stop kangrooing from decision to action? First I make a leap of faith, decision made .. now its time to DO something Linda, I like Mel Robbins statement micro action... daily!! For ...
Navigating our changing World