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Showing posts from April 7, 2013

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

..... or in this case Linda a dull girl. What do you love? What unwinds you, makes you smile, restores your soul? For me one of the most restorative things is being soaked in the beauty of nature. So here area few pictures of beauty through my eyes. Flower pictures make my girls laugh "Ma you and your flower pics..." this is a picture taken on the beach from in Napier New Zealand land of great beauty :) this is commonly knows as the Christmas Tree I believe. Rotarua Thermal area .. overcome the smell an be prepared to be amazed.. A touch of beautiful Capetown... So take time to soak in beauty and remember with me, that we are part of God beauty .

I found this...

Overwhelming until I found this   What is that you say well its Contact List Builder a suite of online tools second to none and a group of like minded people persuing legimate ways of making money online. This group is lead by Janet Legere, a skill marketer and leader and a wonderful teacher.. Yay at last great tools, great people and teaching and direction. :) Check it out it is worth a few minutes of your time.... really.. you know you want to....

Where to start??

Is there a real opportunity to work and earn online I ask myself? How does one begin looking and for what? So I did what all good seekers do, I went to Google and clicked all over the show and began reading..... This was not a bad thing, but as in life its not the idea that is bad but what we do with it. I clicked on all sorts of things and without realising it I got onto ' a million and one '  listsmwithout understanding what that meant. This deluge of emails arrived and kept coming !! what to follow ... what not to... what is real what is hype.... which program would deliver?.... Where were the promised teaching videos?... WHAT SHOULD I ACTUALLY DO!!!... This was the somewhat overwhelming beginning until.....